Interior design

When I visit people at home, they often ask my opinion about their interior design or home decorations. People in their own environment are an important source of inspiration for my designs. Every change creates new ideas. In my work as an interior designer it’s always my biggest challenge to find a match with the latest trends and developments. Frequent visits to trade fairs and museums keep me up to date.

Furniture has to relate to the space it is put in. The right combination and choice of fabrics, colours and materials like wood, stone and glass, in interaction with light and space is essential. The result must be: balance and harmony in a design that makes you feel at home.


How it works

In a first meeting we discuss your wishes and the options. We have a look at the rooms and existing furniture and we take some pictures. Then I make a floorplan. In small apartments I will look for, and find clever and often basic solutions for dilemmas.

To create more space I quite often use the possibility of changing the lay-out of the room and break down parts of interior walls. Original details of the house such as stained-glass windows or decorated ceillings are important. Matching pieces of art can give the design extra oumph.

In a final consult, the floor plan with furniture in the right spot, combined with a plan for lighting and some visual impressions will complete your interior design.